The III National Congress of Respiratory Medicine is held with the support of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan and is included in the annual plan of scientific and practical events of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the European Respiratory Society.
The main goal of the congress is to unite the efforts of leading national and foreign specialists, strengthen international relations and interdisciplinary interactions in solving topical issues of respiratory medicine. Within the framework of the forum, a multidisciplinary and multi-format platform will be created to discuss scientific directions, modern technologies and new approaches in the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases.
The Congress program includes thematic symposiums, round tables, academic sessions, as well as master classes in the "in the workplace" format in leading clinics in Astana with the issuance of accredited certificates with credit hours. Poster session, a competition for young scientists, and an exhibition of medications, medical devices, and equipment used in respiratory medicine will be held. A wide range of questions and a high level of experts will allow participants to gain new knowledge and tools to improve their professional skills.
In the Congress work is planned to involve active participation of pulmonologists and specialists of related specialties: allergists, critical care doctors, radiologists, cardiologists, infectious diseases specialists, rheumatologists, pediatricians, phthisiologists, thoracic surgeons, therapists, general practitioners.
Цель мастер-классов: углубление знаний по современным методам функциональной и лабораторной диагностики респираторных заболеваний, демонстрация и отработка практических навыков по диагностике интерстициальных болезней легких, аллергических заболеваний, правилам проведения респираторной поддержки, бронходренажной терапии с учетом современных тенденций и возможностей медицины.
Experienced specialists in the relevant field will conduct the workshops. The cost of participation in the master classes is 5000 tenge, for members of the NSRM participation is 50% - 2500 tenge (a membership certificate must be attached). Due to the limited number of places (up to 30 people per workshop), preliminary online registration of participants is required, which will be closed on 30th November 2024 or as the number of listeners increases. Upon completion of the master class, a certificate will be issued with the assignment of 6 credit hours.
БИН | 220240004153 |
КБЕ | 18 |
ИИК (тенге) | KZ03998BTB0001451346 |
Банк | АО «Jusan Bank» |
КНП | 120 |
БИН | 220240004153 |
Банк | АО "Kaspi Bank" |
КБЕ | 18 |
Номер счёта | KZ54722S000030013192 |
Заявки на постерные доклады принимаются онлайн по электронной почте до 25.11.2024 г.
При отправке письма в теме следует указать слово «Постер», в тексте письма указать ФИО, данные (должность, место работы/учебы) докладчика и прикрепить электронный постер, созданный по шаблону, прикрепленному ниже. Шаблон обязан содержать указанные разделы, но их соотношение и расположение могут изменяться согласно контенту и видению автора.
Скачать шаблонThe poster session will be held electronically, without printing posters, in the form of a brief presentation of the material (3-5 min) with the participation of an expert committee on 6th of December from 14.30 to 15.30. All poster session participants will receive certificates of participation, and the best reports will be awarded with certificates and valuable gifts for a prize place.
Contacts for poster presentations: +7 (747) 540 97 06
Заявки на конкурс докладов молодых ученых (до 40 лет) принимаются онлайн по электронной почте до 23.11.2024 г. При отправке письма в теме следует указать «Конкурс докладов», в тексте письма указать ФИО, данные (должность, место работы/учебы) докладчика и прикрепить презентацию.
The presentations must be presented orally at the academic session of young scientists on 6.12.2024 from 5 to 6.30 pm. The number of accepted papers is limited to 9. In this regard, in case of a larger number of applicants, a number of authors will be offered participation in the form of a poster presentation. The author will receive a notification about the acceptance of the presentation at the academic session by e-mail before 01.12.2024. The best papers will be awarded prizes and certificates.
The material of the speech must be presented in the form of a presentation according to the template specified below. It is necessary to include all sections, but their ratio and location can be changed according to the content and the author's vision. The optimal time for the speech is 5-7 minutes (no more than 10 minutes).
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